managed print services and photocopier lease for sharp and canon copiers
What is photocopier lease Sydney?
For small and medium sized businesses in Sydney, there’s a very interesting feature that came into existence very recently that allows businesses to lease photocopier machines from firms in Sydney. This is almost similar to the term ‘renting it out’, but for a longer period of time. Consider a business that does not want to invest a bomb money in buying out photocopier machines for their office – in X amount. In such cases, it is easier for them to lease it out from companies that have the office photocopier machines out for lease.
It’s cheaper than buying these machines in mass quantity for your office. Having said that, in photocopier leasing Sydney, you would have to spread out the cost of the machine for more than 3 years – this is up to you to decide which time period works for you to be able to finally afford / decide to buy out machines yourself. It’s more of a loan concept.
You pay rent of the machine every month / quarter – based on your convenience and you spread the actual cost of the photocopier machine for about 3-5-7 years of duration. The leasing companies usually have flexibility into which duration works best for you and why. You can also opt to change the technology midway through, if you feel you need an upgrade in your photocopier machine. Depending on the package you opt for, you can also avail low cost repairs of these machines as well.
What’s The Difference between Copier Rental and Leasing?
Very often, these terms are used in interchangeable fashion. Leasing and renting are almost the similar terms when it comes to photocopier machines in Sydney. But see it this way- you rent out a machine with no interest and low duration of time: Say 6 months. You are confident that you would be able to buy out a machine in less than 6 months, so you rent the machine with no additional cost / interest from the photocopier vendor. This would be Copier Rental.
When you lease out a photocopier machine for a longer duration of time – say 3 to 5 years, there’s some amount of interest as well that comes into picture. Leasing is more of a long time plan with no intention of buying your machine anytime soon. Very often, leasing comes with a contract that you have to adhere to. You cannot break the contract and change your mind when you feel it’s time to buy your machine. If the contract says 5 years, you can only return the machine after 5 years of duration or else there would be breaching of contract.
Summarizing in the pointers below, the difference between renting and leasing can be understood in:
1. Time duration: The time for Rental would be low and would be more of a subscription basis. You pay monthly rent of the photocopier machine and decide to terminate whenever you want to. The time for leasing would be in years and longer for most small and medium sized companies.
2. Contract: There would not be any contract in terms of renting, but while leasing there would be a contract with terms and conditions mentioned very specifically.
3. Buying the photocopier: Renting would be expensive when it is about buying the photocopier machine. The time is relatively lower and since the machine would be comparatively new – the price of buying the very same photocopier machine at the end of 6 months would be higher. At the end of your leasing contract, however, you would be able to buy the same machines at a cheaper rate if you wish to.
What is Managed Print Services?
Very often, companies find it really hectic to manage all their printing, faxing, scanning and other print related solutions. In these cases where businesses look to outsource all of their printing related solutions to an outside agencies – it is called managed print servicing. There are various printer providers in the market that take up the responsibilities of taking care of the print services for a business model. The entire service provided in mass, by the printer provider, is called managed print services.
Imagine a company that cannot entirely rely on the copiers outside of their office for their day to day business – but still requires a lot of copying and printing work to be done. For these companies (usually Small and Medium Sized Business), it’s important to get to know a managed printing services firm. They take care of everything from installation to maintenance and everything in between – majorly for firms that would not want to invest a lot of time in managing the machines at their premises.
What Are the Major Managed Print Services Benefits?
If the company would not want to invest a lot of time in monitoring the printing machines, the first advantage in itself is the fact that one can easily outsource the prints to another firm. But to summarise all the important benefits of the MPS (Managed Print Services), here’s a list:
1. MPS will figure out which technology or type of printer suits best for you based on your organization needs and model. Sometimes companies feel they need certain type of technology, but their model would not allow optimum usage from the same. MPS will study the organization structure and suggest which technology to use.
2. The MPS also will take care of refill of ink and cartridges if need be – you wouldn’t have to worry about the refilling process at all. The machine would be placed in the centre of the office, with some extensions in certain cubicles as and how required. Even though you can access the prints and the machines, it would completely be taken care of, by the MPS.
3. With the normal monthly maintenance fee that you would be giving to the MPS, they take care of any breakdown or repairs that the machines would be requiring. In short, you just have to take the prints and the papers you need from the machines, the rest of the maintenance and installation would be taken care by the MPS.
Difference between sharp VS canon managed print services?
Now that one has already given into the advantages that Managed Print Services Sydney has over personally taking care click here of the machinery, it’s now pretty easy to differentiate between the different types of Managed Print Services available in the market. The most common ones however are the Canon and the Sharp MPS. Summarizing it, here are the definitions of the both:
- Canon Managed Print Services Sydney: Canon tops the click here list of the copiers that could go best with the office models. They have wide ranged office models available in their catalogue that would go best with any sort of business model (irrespective of the size). The only difference arises in the image quality that Canon produces VS the image quality that any other copier machine would provide. The score and the rating for the Canon copiers one is far higher than the rest of the photocopiers.
- Sharp copiers are one of the vastly used copier machine if there would not be any high quality content required in the office. If your basic requirement is all about black and white words on a piece of paper, the Sharp copier machines would do justice. But if you need the copier machine to have intense quality, colour check and AI of its own – Sharp Managed Print Services might not be the choice of copier.
What is the difference between canon copiers and Sharp Copiers?
This blog will focus on the pros and cons of Canon copiers and Sharp copiers, the cost of these two and which one fits where when we talk about office usage. For office specifically, both these types of copiers do far and beyond what is needed in just copying prints / photos. But when we talk about the minute details of which one does the best against the other, these specifications come into picture.
Sharp Copiers:
Sharp copiers are now also called as the MFP – Multi functional printers. So going far and beyond in terms of technology, they were the first ones to come up with the combination of photocopying and printing and scanning, all in one. The MFPs come at around $1000 with a speed of 70 pages per minute.
The quality of Sharp copiers would be really good as well, at par with many competitors.
Pros of Sharp copiers:
1. Money: These are less expensive and are more durable machines if you do not worry about the look and feel of the machine. These machines are not too great when it comes to how they look, but they do a great deal of work in whatever they come up with. Because Sharp MFPs are now very vastly used machinery, you can also save up on a lot of money in buying all-in-one machine.
2. Space: These MFPs use very less space as opposed to single / standalone machines or even the combined machines of any other brand. This is a personal favourite of companies that do not want to give a lot of space in just these printing machines.
3. Many pages per minute: The time and speed of this machine is far more than any other company.
Cons of Sharp copiers:
1. Reliability: The machine needs frequent repairing and reliability goes for a toss. These machines face issues very often and are not of very durable material as well.
2. Quality: The quality is not too great against Canon is what many people have observed in the longer run. When the comparison comes into picture, the Canon picture quality and print quality is at par.
Canon Copiers:
The copiers look alike when we keep both Sharp and Canon side by side. The only add-on with the Canon copiers is the look and feel of the machine – the LCD lighting that gives an extra matt finish to everything that comes with the machine. They too have MFPs in their functionalities, though you can opt for smaller machinery in scanning, printing and photocopying as they have varied sizes available as well. Canon copiers are expensive and can range anywhere from about $2000 to $20000. The page speed goes to the range of about 20 pages to 75 pages per minute.
Pros of Canon copiers:
1. Functionality: The functionality is unbeatable of Canon copiers. These machines do not need you to repair them every now and then, there wouldn’t be any side effects creeping in for a longer duration of time. The functionality and features of the machines too would be very good.
2. Quality: The quality of the prints or photocopies would be very good against any other company that you might want to compare.
Cons of Canon:
1. Cost: They are very expensive and heavy built as well. This is the only con of having a Canon photocopier machine.
In all, these machines are very good at what they do – you just need to figure out which pros and cons would you weigh more towards and finalize on the same.
What is Photocopier and what is the difference between photocopy and print?
As the name suggests, the photocopier machines are the ones that create copies of existing papers / documents at hand. They are more of replicating the data on one sheet more info of paper to another / multiple sheets of paper. Most offices today have printing machines and photocopier machines mandatory because of the nature of work they deal with. There are certain aspects of photocopier machines you must look into before choosing to buy one:
- Do you need color or black & white photocopier machines at your office?
- Do you need a machine that combines both photocopying and printing?
- Do you need a machine that is fast or do you need a machine that gives optimum quality of work to you?
Before you ask these questions to yourself, it is important to understand the difference between photocopying and printing machines.
Printing machines: Pull yourself away from the machine for a second and place yourself in front of a computer. Whatever you see on the screen, sometimes you have to PRINT the exact same thing on a piece of paper – this is printing. The machine equipped to print the data from the computers on papers are called printing machines. They are not photocopiers, there are merely printers.
Photocopier: As mentioned above, to be able to create replicates of the existing sheet of paper is called photo copying and the machine would be called a photocopier machine.
Now that technology has gone above and beyond, you may find machines by Sharp and read more Canon that combine both printing and photocopying into one single machine that would be cost effective as well as low in occupying space.
Rent a Photocopier
Are you a company that would want to go for multiple photocopies a day, but would not want to invest a lot of money in just installing and maintaining these photocopier machines? If so, then you wouldn’t have to worry about the cost and the maintenance of these machines. You can now easily rent a photocopier machine from vendors under the banner of get more info a company (not personal) and avail the benefits of low-cost investment, low maintenance and absolutely tension free usage of these machines.
Here’s the logic behind renting these out:
You believe you would need the machines for another 6-7 months, but are too skeptic to start the investment cycle of buying a brand new photocopying machine. You look out to ‘rent’ the machines from vendors for 6-7 months at a very low cost so that you don’t have to worry about putting a bomb of money for something that might not even be used after a couple of months.
You are now under no contract with the renting firm, and also can avail low cost maintenance if this is included in the package while renting it out.
Once the task has been done with, you can just go on and return the machine or buy it from them at a cheaper rate than original. The process is that simple.